A non-profit organization here to help landlords and their associates!
Let us help you grow your real estate property portfolio in Greensboro, be an in-the-know landlord and be more successful!
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Let us help you grow your real estate property portfolio in Greensboro, be an in-the-know landlord and be more successful!
The Greensboro Landlord Association has partnered with Community Housing Solutions to help homeowners in need. As an Association that educates and helps one another, we are hopeful our members and guests will want to help those less fortunate in our community by making a small donation of your own to Community Housing Solutions. Please click button below to make a donation.
Send us an email via the Contact Form "Ask the Landlords" See button below.
7015 Albert Pick Road Ste D, Greensboro, North Carolina 27409, United States
The Greensboro Landlord Association is a non-profit organization.
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month (EXCEPT MAY - Vacation Month) at the Piedmont Triad Apartment Association at 7015 Albert Pick Road Ste-D Greensboro NC 27409 from 6:00 - 7:30 PM. Guests may attend for $10 in-person unless you are referred by a member. If referred your 1st meeting is free. To sign up to be a Member please go to the Membership Section. You may either download the Application Form or pay Online.
Our goal is to ease the burden on private landlords with shared business tools and information, and focused common interests.
The Greensboro Landlords Association, Inc. began with a group of concerned landlords who saw the need to join together to relieve the virtual isolation under which many private landlords labored, and to provide a unified voice in response to increased governmental regulation.
Greensboro's best landlords are joining the GLA to learn how to work smarter, to be informed of the important issues they face, and to optimize their profitability.
An annual membership in the Association gives members access to a growing number of services and educational opportunities. Membership in the Greensboro Landlords Association, Inc., is open to owners and managers of residential and commercial rental property. Associate memberships are available to individuals and businesses providing goods and services to rental property owners.
Join us and learn how to be more profitable!
Be the first to hear about our meetings and newly added important information for landlords.